失去后才珍惜,还有什么意义,还是会有人不肯去忘记 忘不了那一段回忆!刹那间,当他开始怀疑,自己的命运像一场电影在不断重复上映. 被凌乱的心情,这样纠缠下去,该怎么抚平?让每个人能看清一点,犯下的错.该如何放下.该如何放手, 再怎么去挽回 .一道裂痕隐隐约约的掠过. so,i might've made a few mistakes, but that was back when you wouid smile, And we wouid go evetywhere, bue we ain't been there for awhile, And thisi know, there's a place that we can go---- A place where I can finally let you know. Cause i'm the one that loves you latly. you And me,we got this great thing. we're the only one that's around, we're the only one that's around this babyion. I hope you find whatever you've been lookin' for. Just remember where you're from And who you are, Cause there's a thousand lights that'll make you feel brand new, But if you ever lose your way,I'll leave one on for you. Cause I'm the one that loves you lately. You And me,we got this great thing. So,come back,get here,sit down.relax. guys dress up to impress women.women dress up to impress other women.男人打扮是为了给女人留下深刻的印象,女人打扮是为了给别的女人留下深刻的印象 (责任编辑:世外梅园文学网) |